Unless you sit near a political power house you can only indirectly affect the outcome; closer to home you can make a real difference to your outlook by taking charge of your resources.
It is vital that roles and responsibilities are clearly understood and if there is any uncertainty, just like the next few years, be ahead of the game and get yourself trained up on the skills you may be lacking for your position.
If you think training is expensive, try ignorance! Of course, I truly believe in training people, I am in the training business after all!
In the global economy fuelled by Brexit and Trump Mania, well trained staff at all levels will give you that much needed competitive edge; more so than ever at director and senior management level.
Directors are often dropped into a post and informed "off you go then, start managing or directing" it's not surprising that so many fail… Goodness I have done it myself! Within two months of moving the transport manager to fleet director I had lost the great transport manager from my company and then had two vacancies. Which is why I know the Essential Director Programme is just that, essential.
As we progress through the hallowed halls to the senior management team and the board room we need not just the technical skills that got us the operational role in the first place, but a much wider skillset.
- Would you be able to read a set of accounts if your primary role was running the factory?
- Do you know what it actually means to even be a director from a legal and compliance point of view?
- What are vision and mission statements and why they are so important to the company?
The fact is you do need all these crucial skills and many more to survive and thrive both personally and corporately. Ignorance is never bliss and is never an excuse and peer shared learning is more than enlightening, it's exciting. Age and experience are not barriers to improvements, but opportunities.
The Essential Director Programme provides exactly this, it covers a number of critical subjects over five ½ day courses.
You will learn the key skills and information necessary to became a successful world-class director, including what you need to know about your role, how to understand financials, the importance of marketing, strategic planning and possibly the most important; how to inspire others through your leadership. With these five essential lessons under your belt you will be ahead of the game in no time.
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