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How to Be an Effective Non-Executive Director - a Super NED! Pack

Being a Non-Executive Director is a dream many share, it can be hugely rewarding both personally and financially. However, whilst there are many aspirational people out there striving to reach this potential pinnacle of business success, there are an equal number who fail to make the grade even when they are lucky enough to secure the post.

Whilst we can’t make you fly in the literal sense, we can make you fly euphemistically to the top of the board.

By honing a set of extraordinary skills this guide will take you beyond the acceptable to the exceptional and help you to be instrumental in creating a world class board.

This pack covers topics such as:

  • Key qualities of an influential non-executive director
  • Pre-appointment due diligence
  • Sample non-exec job description
  • Fees
  • The role of the super NED – unwritten laws
  • Dealing with problems and knowing when to move on
  • And more

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