Uncovering The Stepping Stones To Success
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There is something that occupies the mind of every entrepreneur at some time in their business journey and that is, "what am I going to do with my organisation in the future?".
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Gain a clear understanding of your succession planning options with our tailored, private, in-house succession planning days where we uncover the possible routes to exit for the shareholders of the business.
“In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes“ as famously quoted by Benjamin Franklin in 1789. Fast-forward to 2020 which showed us even more how true uncertainty is and how agility is ever more important.
Nevertheless, having a plan of what your succession plans are, or might be, helps owners and directors focus on the issues that will make the journey more of a success and the final destination more tangible.
When we start a business, few of us plan for an end-game, however as Churchill said "he who fails to plan is planning to fail". The options for the future are of course mercurial at best, but that shouldn’t stop the ambitious business owner from exploring the variety of routes.
These succession routes can vary from a simple trade sale to a lifestyle milking the business and closing the doors, to building a legacy business for the next generation and beyond, and these are just a few of the many options we can explore.
Of course, plans change, we all saw this throughout the coronavirus pandemic, but there is nothing so comforting as having explored alternatives should you need to activate them for whatever reason.
So whether you are at the start of your journey to succession, or whether you believe you are approaching a time when you need to focus a little more clearly on an end-goal, contact us to start to help you map out the route to a succession.
We are here to support you on your business journey. If you, or your company require specialist business support, the fds Journey Planner can help point you in the right direction.
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